This morning my counselor and I were discussing a current situation and how it seems that most people are OK with walking alongside of you on your journey until they encounter something in your life that they don't agree with or don't know how to handle and then they often pull away.
As we were talking, I was reminded of a memory of probably 10 years ago. I was living at an unaccredited and unlicensed counseling facility for women. At the breakfast table one was having a hard time and I spoke a few brief words of whatever was needed which had a slightly visible effect on the other person. I would not have remembered it had the aide on duty not come to me afterward and said that the depth of connection was something she realized she knew nothing about.
In line with that was someone's comment I read where the individual said that when you are with other survivors you don't have to explain yourself. You just get it. I would like to add too that you can just be. There's no pressure to be someone you aren't, which is very refreshing.
On the way home I was thinking about these things and I began to think about Jesus and his time on earth. If Jesus, totally human but also totally God, knew only connection in the deepest form with the other Persons of the trinity, don't you think he completely understandable how those of us feel who rarely find deep connection? Did he need those many nights of communication with Heaven to stave off the loneliness and lack of connection with the shallow humans that inhabit the earth?
Then I think of the woman at the well, the people he healed, the woman caught in adultery, the children, and others here and there that he connected with on a much deeper level...
Connection is life-giving...
The freedom to just be...
The freedom to spill it all out and be comforted...
The freedom to come empty and be filled...
The freedom to come grieving and be honored and grieved with...
The freedom of being accepted where you're at and supported to go forward...
Freedom. Life. Connection. Hope.
Yes, there's still dark days. Mostly dark days. But there's something about connection that breathes life into your weary heart, mind and spirit.
I'm thankful for the handful of people in my life who accept me, support me and breathe life into me. It's part of God's medicine for the weary. His hands and feet and Spirit in physical form.
Don't ever estimate the power of your words and actions. You can breathe life or you can snuff it out. It's your choice...