In my dollhouse set there is a piece that has a garage in the bottom part and two floors above it. On the second floor is a tiny kitchen and a livingroom with a bay window and a balcony.

On the third floor is the bedroom but I thought it needed a little bathroom yet so yesterday I decided to see what I can do. I wanted to make it removable so it can be taken out and played with or removed later if I changed my mind. I think I will need to make a smaller bedroom set so it isn't as crowded.

I had a wooden pop out bathroom set that I put together and painted. The furniture wasn't made to be useable so I put a back, bottom and shelves in the appropriate pieces to make it more real.
The walls are made from the leftover wood pieces after I popped out all the cutout bathroom set pieces. I covered them with cereal box cardboard and then glued on my wallpaper. I used duct tape to hold the corners together because it was a bit wonky and glue wouldn't work.

Let's start with the shower...I got the idea off Pinterest which you can see here:

I cut a thin piece of balsa wood the size I wanted for the base and trimmed with some square slivers of wood for the edge. I drilled holes in the center for the drain and in the corners for skewers so that I have something to glue the sides to. And painted it white...

Next I dug out the pieces I wanted to use and assembled them.

Two beads for each of the legs, a tiny pompom with a small piece of trim attached for a mini pouf, and half a sew on snap for the drain.

I cut up plastic packaging for the sides.

And glued them on as well as gluing in the snap for the drain.

I found a small piece of wire leftover from a kit I had assembled in the past as well as the bead and glued them together for the shower head. I used two beads for the shower knob.

A piece of skewer worked for the shower curtain rod. Then I took some jump rings off a necklace to use for the shower curtain rings and a piece of sheer fabric from my scrap box for the shower curtain.

I glued pony beads on each end so there's more of a surface for the glue to hold to the sides. I had some tiny acrylic butterflies that I glued on the jump rings for decorations.

I used a thumbtack to poke holes in the plastic and bent small pieces of wire to form hooks. Two on the inside for the pouf and the washcloth and one on the outside for the towel. What I didn't take into account was that it would be against the wall so I put all three hooks inside and put another hook on the other side for the bath towel.

Last of all I glued on the feet.

The shelf was part of the bathroom popout kit which I painted. I added a small piece of lace and a large bead for a vase with some dried plant material leftover from another kit.

The basket is for dirty laundry. The small tray on the counter is not glued on so it can be moved around. It was a charm on which I glued some tiny beads to look like hygiene items.

The pitcher and bowl set for the sink was also an idea from Pinterest. In the set was the soap/lotion bottle, the soap dish with the 2 bars of soap and a toilet brush. Behind the soap dish you can see glasses peeking out. I used fabric for hinges and glued some lace on the door and using a thumbtack I poked holes in the doors so I could attach a small hook set made from thin wire to hold the door shut...
On top of the medicine cabinet you can see beads glued together for bottles and toilet paper rolls made from skewers for the center and real toilet paper rolled on... the handle to the medicine cabinet is an actual butterfly bead. I thought it would go with the rest of the theme...

The original set wasn't made to work but with some fabric I made hinges as well as adding a back and shelves so I can put things in.

I have since put in some fabric pieces for towels and washcloths...the rugs are made from fuzzy fabric samples I collected somewhere...

I used a piece of lace for a doily and for a tissue box I used a square bead and stuck a tiny piece of toilet paper in the center for a tissue. The book is made from a small piece of wood covered with pretty fabric.

The pictures on the wall are made with small hammer finished copper plates with tiny calendar pictures pasted in the center. Here is a picture of the bathroom punch out set so you can see what the pieces were originally intended to look like...

I don't know where the toilet paper holder is in the picture but I glued it on the wall. I put a skewer in the center and wrapped on some toilet paper gluing the end to hold it on...

I used a thumbtack to make a hole in the side of the medicine cabinet and wire for a hook. I created a hand mirror from a broken petal from a small flower shaped mirror, gluing on a small spoon for the handle and a ribbon flower to cover up the back.

The towel is a piece of fabric with a bit of trim glued on the edge.

Doesn't it look inviting?

This morning I added some fake water to the sink...

I put silica beads in for bubbles, which is what you find in those packets that say do not eat in your pill bottles. I accidentally dropped some fake water on the washcloth so I replaced it because it would have left an ugly stain on the washcloth.

A bathroom perfect for an efficiency apartment!
I also added a curtain to the doorway for privacy...and added skewers on the top of the wall for trim...

I used a skewer for the curtain rod, sewed a rod pocket by hand to the top of the curtain and glued on some lace to hide the stitches. After I glued in the curtain rod I added a tiny ribbon for a tieback.
So there you have it...lots of tiny pieces but I'm pleased with the I'm off to the next project...