Even though I try to honor my dad best I can, I am even more grateful for the many godly men God has and still is bringing into my life, for God is using them to "bring me up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord". Each one of them play a part, some bigger than others, but I appreciate them all. I would tag some of you on here but I'd be sure to miss someone. But if you are a man, please be a godly one for your example reaches much farther than you can fathom. It can be: ~Just a simple conversation in which you encourage someone or even just listen. Some people never had that from their parents. ~Just taking an interest in someone's life and asking questions. Some people didn't have parents who gave their children a voice or asked questions. ~Apologize when you're wrong or realize you hurt feelings or misunderstood. Some people never heard their dad apologize even if they were wrong. ~Teach God's Word with love. Some people only ever heard God's Word from a legalistic and twisted side and to manipulate them into doing things or as gaslighting and guilt-tripping. ~Say hi to the shy ones that don't talk much in a crowd of fellowshippers. Just acknowledging someone can mean a lot especially if they had a dad who was not there for them or only noticed them when they didn't meet the requirements. I'm sure there'd be more things to say but I say these from experience. Right off the top I could list a handful of men from church who've done all these and more within the past several weeks and honestly I think it's one of the biggest things that are bringing the most healing into my life at the present. I'm so grateful for God bringing me to Refuge Calvary Chapel NH and just all the healing that has happened in the past several months. It hasn't been easy learning to trust but God is good and faithful and certainly doesn't give me more than I can handle tho it feels like that at times. And so since I would feel awkward and out of place to go to each of these men and wish then a happy Father's day I'll just say it here. And yet perhaps it would be an encouragement to them to know they have blessed me, I don't know, and so I say to all the men out there who have known me in the past and do know me now that have had a part in getting me to where I am today: Happy Father's Day!