Welcome to

A Glimpse
Where you will find art, photography, stories and more about my journey of healing and learning to thrive after abuse...
About Me:
My name is Kathryn Hoover...
I grew up in a very religious, dysfunctional home. Even after I left my parent's house I've been subject to other abusive situations; including but not limited to: spiritual, emotional, verbal and employer abuse as well as running into manipulators and gas-lighters. It has been a painful journey but am finding healing in my journey that gives me hope for better days. Not only has it filled me with compassion for other abuse survivors but I would like to also try to encourage and empower other survivors as I continue my journey which is the reason for this website.
I'm also realizing that my original dream for this website is morphing into something more beautiful than I originally dreamed. I love beauty and I love creating so you will find bits and pieces of my journey as well as the things I'm doing and creating as I work towards my dreams and goals for the future.