Tonight I decided that I want to make tomato soup and a toasted cheese sandwich for supper. I left the room to go to my locker in the laundry room to get some tea bags. I heard my name and assumed my sandwich was about to burn and tried to push my tired body to go a little faster. When I reentered the kitchen the lady said she had removed the pan with my sandwich off the burner because she thought that it was burning.
Big Feelings Over Something Normally Insignificant
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I am thinking about you.
I’m so sorry you had such a challenging day! Your feelings over the incident are understandable given your past experiences. Please don’t feel guilty for not writing in the subscriber blog as often as you would like. I’m sure others would agree that we’re here to support you, not to add to your stress. So please only write when you have the mental and emotional space to do so. 🫶🏻